Thank you for showing
interest in having Caitlin Nunez at your church or event. Caitlin can be booked for itinerant ministration through teaching, preaching, exhortation and intercession. She is available to minister at university fellowship groups, conferences (women/youth/ church) and
Sunday services. As part of the Kingdom Ambassadors youth ministry, she is also
available to provide workshops and teaching for church youth ministries.
We ask that you please
send your booking request at least 6 weeks prior to the date required. Once
received by the admin team, Caitlin personally reads and prayerfully considers
each request so please allow for approximately 1-2 weeks for a response from
the Kingdom Ambassadors admin team.
book Caitlin Nunez please send a booking request email to the Kingdom Ambassadors
admin team at with the subject
''Booking: Caitlin Nunez''. You will receive a booking request form to fill in and email back with further details.