Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Brains and Beauty Conference 2015 - Love Limitless

The Brains and Beauty tour kicked off in London and I was honored to attend and take part in ministering on the interview panel during the conference.Love Limitless is a vision given to Ify Ossai, as a women's ministry ordained to cultivate beauty, strengthen virtue and build character.

Interview panel

Sharing my testimony on the panel at the conference was such a nerve racking experience. I was used to explaining how I came to Christ to another person, but simply on an individual basis through direct conversation. Being in front of so many sisters, tested my transparency. I had to reflect on what I was willing to and felt led to share, and ensured I gave the glory to God for the mighty work He has done for me over the last year. Speaking on the way God has delivered me from a roller coaster of insecurities after a heart break, put my progress in Christ into perspective. Whilst simply sharing what my life had entailed before encountering God, I was able to both bless and encourage another sister out there, but was also able to thank God all over again for His comfort and healing during the hardest season of my life so far.

Beauty is living in confidence through the sacrifice of Jesus that makes you worthy & valuable. It's coming to the realisation that you were paid the ultimate price for, simply because of His love for you. Our brokenness, countless insecurities, and feelings of inadequacy, are all washed away by the blood that was shed on the cross. Now we have the opportunity to walk in a heavenly beauty as His daughters who have been made whole and complete through Jesus {Colossians 2:10}.

We can fuss with external upkeep and exterior appearance, but a woman who truly fears the Lord shines amongst any. A woman with a spirit focused on the Lord and pleasing Him, will reflect that state of heart through her actions, words and relationships with others. Her understanding of herself is not rooted in superficial interests or adornment, but rather in who who her Creator says she is ; loved, cherished, treasured, with a worth far beyond jewels. Do not let your exterior self consciousness define how valued, purposed or beautiful you are. Rely on the promise of God that He will finish the work He started in you - meaning His desire to build and strengthen your character IS there.

Redefining beauty roots from unclogging our perspective of who our Creator is. Once we comprehend how our Maker sees us, we can stand firm in faith knowing that we are beautiful in Him.We must learn to view ourselves through the mirror which is the word of God, and not allow the bombarding of the worlds standards and qualifications of what authentic beauty is to allow our self esteem to waver. He formed you perfectly, each part of you made specially for His glory.God's word declares that He knows the numbers of hairs on our heads, He formed and knows the depths of each of our hearts, AND He calls us individually by name. Live this life with the knowledge and belief that you are compassionately loved and cared for by a God who mad no mistakes when creating you, both inwardly and outwardly.

 In Ephesians 2, we are called MASTERPIECES. The word of God assures us that through Christ Jesus we have been made new. Each one of us have been created and built up to pursue the life God has laid out for us. Because we have Jesus, we lack nothing. Our faith and hope in who He is, keeps our hearts conscious of the fact that God's plan for what we are and what we are called to grow into, will come to pass in His perfect timing. 

We can spend hours watching contouring tutorials, use all of our money on makeup and new heels, but if our hearts aren't right, it is all a waste. Our focus on the Kingdom of God should never be over ruled by material items that will be left behind after this earthly life. Every woman should be determined to redefine their understanding of what true beauty is, by investing twice as much time into our relationship with God in comparison to the time we spend taking care of our outwardly appearance. Looking good is not the problem, it is realising the major importance of inner beauty and character compared to obsessing over  what we physically look like. 

Invest that time to lay your heart before God, and allow Him to uproot any character issues. Build up your self esteem by meditating on what the word says about you.Practice casting down lies of doubt, discouragement and insufficiency with prayer.Rejoice in your inner beauty and walk carrying the light God has allowed you to glow with. Outward appearance will fade so quickly, so focus on renewing your heart to reflect the image of Christ Jesus. 

1 Peter 3:3-4

 Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.

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