Monday, 28 September 2015

He Is Everything He Says He is: #3 Jesus The Cornerstone

1.An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.
2.  A stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls.

Jesus – the Son of God, sent to reconcile God and mankind, is revealed as the Cornerstone of salvation and our only way to access the Kingdom of God. Contrary to the many delusions of what gets people into heaven, whether it be simply ‘being a good person’ or ‘saying you love God’, the word of God clearly shows us that it is only through Jesus Christ that we can be promised eternal life with God. {John 14:16 - Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.}  Jesus as the Cornerstone presents a way to God that unifies and connects us to His mercy, in spite of the wall of sin. Whether it ruffles feathers, is controversial or not accepted by society, it is the TRUTH. The access to the Kingdom of God is open to all, but sadly is only pursued properly by faith, by few.

Matthew 21: 33-46 – The parable of the vineyard/evil farmers

Here Jesus tells the parable of the Landowner (God), who leased the vineyard (the earth) to tenant farmers (Jewish leaders). God sends His prophets who are referred to as the ‘landowners servants’, who are directed by God to warn people of their sin, to encourage people to repent and to provide an appeal to come to God (these are the prophets in the Old Testament). They are beaten, stoned and killed, and are ultimately rejected as God’s messengers by the farmers, so therefore God sends another set of servants (more prophets of God) to continue to collect their share of the crop of the mighty harvest. This represents the fallen world of sinful souls that need to be saved; the prophets in the Old Testament were sent forewarn and alert people of God’s judgement and ultimately the coming of the Messiah.

So after their rejection, God sends His only Son into the world (Jesus Christ), thinking that they will respect Him. However, the tenant farmers see this as a selfish opportunity to gain the inheritance of the worldly kingdom of this earth, and so they kill Him also. The passage then continues to reveal that out of God’s graciousness, He opens the vineyard to others (the gentiles – those who are not Jews), emphasising the fact that Jesus has now come to provide salvation for ALL, and that those who are stuck in the mind frame of ensured access to the Kingdom of God, due to birth rites or the work of Abraham and his ancestors, will not necessarily be granted entry unless then repent and have full faith in Jesus.

Verse 43 is where Jesus shows Himself as a fulfilment of prophecy from the Old Testament, and foreshadows the rejection of His purpose, and essentially presents Himself as the Cornerstone that will eventually have die for His bride (the church), to fulfil the perfect will of God.

 It reads… then Jesus asked them, "Didn't you ever read this in the Scriptures? ‘The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone. This is the LORD's doing, and it is wonderful to see.'’ Jesus mentions later that many will stumble over this stone and that it will crush anyone it falls on, displaying the magnitude of power that the Cornerstone, which is Jesus Himself has to destroy wickedness, but also to crumble and replace the Jewish religion as the Messiah. Jesus references many points in the Old Testament where the rejection of His ministry as the foundation of the church and the only true connection to God the Father.  Isaiah 28:16-17: “So this is what the sovereign Lord says: ‘See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who trusts will never be dismayed. I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line.’” God speaks of His precious Son Jesus that would be Himself manifested in the flesh as a sign of grace, for all those who trust in this stone. The chosen and sent Messiah would be the One who would determine the whole position of the structure of the new Christian church.

In ancient building construction, the cornerstone was the essential stone/brick that was vital in allowing the building to stand firm without falling. If this one stone was removed, the whole building would fall and would not be able to function, as it was the largest, most solid and most essential part of the whole establishment. This same critical role that a cornerstone plays on a practical scale is a direct reflection of who Jesus is to both the church and us believers as individuals. For the church, Jesus lays the foundation of the unity of believers, because as Chief Cornerstone He invites the union of all people whether once Jew or gentile under His name. For us as individuals Jesus represents the absolute necessity of a Saviour. As we grapple with indwelling sin, Jesus remains our escape through to God the Father. He must remain the focal point of our walks on this earth, as we acknowledge that without Him as the Cornerstone of our lives, we too will crumble.

Join me on this journey to get expand our understanding of the heart of who our Saviour is - EVERY MONDAY FOR 7 WEEKS!

''He Is Everything He Says He is''

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