Tuesday 26 July 2016

Commissioned In Chaos

As the world continues to grow in darkness, let us not lose sight of our assignment. As the media brews hatred and sin forces its way into the bride of Christ, let us not grow weary in doing right.

The handling of a generation that has traded the offering of grace and redemption for the comfortability of sin, unknowingly, is not something to take lightly.

Millions of teenagers and young adults are blinded by the darkness of the enemy that has slowly but surely transformed into the celebration of sin. The complacency of supposed followers of Christ has led to the seeping in of compromise dominating the lives of those called to hold the light. The rebellion of man against Christ’s outstretched hand has led to the ignorance of multitudes.  
Yet, in the midst of this, our commission remains unchanged. The call to make disciples of all nations is unshaken. The truth of Jesus’ command to love one another has not altered according to the current circumstance, but for many it seems so.

Hearts need to be convicted and souls require the urgency to be saved, but the failure to reach out to simply listen to the lost has led to our downfall. In our attempt to warn unbelievers of the judgement of God, the reality of hell and the second coming of the Son, our call to love has now seemed to dissolve amongst our concern. The demonstrating of the love of God is not merely words that echo false gentleness, but is the consistent effort to understand and help those in desperate need of Gods mercy, regardless of their initial receptiveness.  God’s love embodies humility, sacrifice and grace to those who have knowingly and unknowingly neglected the truth. The call to reconcile hearts back to God must remain prominent in our hearts to-do list. Our passion to see those the church calls unredeemable, be the boldest testimonies of God’s salvation, must drive our endurance.

We are His voice that pleads to the most far gone to seek refuge in the arms of a God that is never too far. We are His labourers - those that will faithfully plough in the field, even in the midst of chaos and persecution. We are His hands and feet that extend the message of sacrificial redemption back to its intended universal availability. 

Mark 16:15 - And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.''

- Caitlin Nunez -

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