Sunday 28 August 2016


Why is it that so many of us find it easy to talk about our favourite TV shows and celebrities, but struggle when it comes to spreading the Gospel?  Let’s be real here, many young people find it extremely difficult to have an in-depth conversation about their faith, but the question is why?  Clearly, there’s a serious lack of BOLDNESS in this generation! 

 A simple definition of boldness is ‘to be brave, confident and fearless.’  As children of the Most High, when it comes to our faith, we should be completely bold and unashamed.  This is simply because God Himself has called us to be bold.

Mark 16:15 (NIV): “He said to them, “Go into the world and preach the Gospel to all creation”

It says it clearly in the Scripture above – as Christians, we are expected to preach the Gospel to all.  When you are at a stable place in your faith, it is no longer about being taught and fed the Word.  It is now time for you to TEACH, PREACH and FEED.   But how can we do this without traits of boldness? 

We often shy away from being bold because we’re scared about others opinions.  The only thing fear does is hinders progress.  Remember that it is NOT something that God has given us (see 2 Timothy 1:17).

We are called to be set apart from the rest of the world!  We are called to shine in all of our brilliance!  If you’re scared to do something, trust God will lead the way and do it anyway .  Your boldness will encourage people, and they’ll wonder what has caused you to become the way you are. 

Matthew 5:16 (NIV): “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.”

Also, through your boldness, you can easily inspire somebody who is experiencing a bad situation that you once faced.  We are all living testimonities and this is exactly why boldness is a necessity as a Child of God.  Be bold enough to say to somebody ‘I’ve struggled with that before and I know it’s not easy!’  Stop worrying about what other people think and start focusing on what JESUS would do!

Today, spend some time in the presence of the Lord and ask God to grant you the Spirit of Boldness.  It’s time for us to rise up and be bold for Christ!

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