So, I got the term 'torn veil' from the story of Jesus' crucifixion in Matthew 27. The scripture reads:
“And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split.” Matthew 27:50-51
From this, we understand that as Jesus gave up himself as a sacrifice for us, the earth was moved and the veil of the temple (the torn veil) split in two. The temple that this scripture is referring to is the tabernacle.
The tabernacle was simply a temple made in the biblical days in order to meet with God. The Hebrew people saw this place as their meeting point with the Lord. Hebrews 9 looks more into this and we understand that the tabernacle had different areas/zones that only a certain people could enter. The specific area that I wish to highlight here is the 'Holy of Holies' or the 'Holiest of All'. This part is where only the high priest could enter and perform sacrifices unto God. To distinctively set this area apart from the rest of the tabernacle, a veil was used to create the divide.
Nowadays we can enter the church building/setting with confidence, but the tabernacle was so sacred that according to Hebrew tradition, it was possible for you to die if you performed rituals wrong in the tabernacle or if you entered knowing that you were not the high priest. The bible mentions that bells were attached to those who entered the temple. One of the uses of this was to indicate whether the person within the Holy of Holies was still alive (literally). A rope was usually attached to the priest’s foot so in case he did pass, those outside could drag the body out of the temple. And although this appears very extreme, note that the people in those days respected and valued the presence of God more than ourselves in this generation. And I know yes, back then it was religion but now it's relationship, but even in our relationship with God, do we value His presence enough?
The whole reason as to why I went through the whole tabernacle description was so that you understood what I meant by being privileged to be Christian. Because Jesus gave his life for us, the veil was torn in two, meaning that we now obtain DIRECT access to the Father. No longer must we seek a pastor or priest to meet with God on our behalf but right now, where you are now reading this, you can commune with God. The veil was torn for you, understand how precious you are to the Father, that now you can seek him more intimately. And that is the torn veil for you guys. I hope this blessed you and caused some sort of change in your heart. God bless.
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